Friday, November 5, 2010

CQ - What is it?

CQ, otherwise known as cultural intelligence, is something many young Americans are lacking. According to David Livermore, PhD and author of the book Leading with Cultural Intelligence and directs the Cultural Intelligence Center in East Lansing, cultural intelligence is a "globally recognized way of measuring and improving the way we work in and out of lots of different cultural contexts. CQ is similar to IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) in that it quantifies a set of capabilities believed to be important to both personal and professional success. CQ is unique in that it focuses specifically on the skills needed for success when moving in and out of lots of different cultures—a reality for many of us and a certainty for our students’ in the future."

I believe that in addition to having a strong foundation in English, Math, and Science, it is equally important to instill a sense of global awareness and camaraderie in our children. So just how do we do that? Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Letting your child learn a second language. When learning a second language, it is important that your child learns all aspect of the language and not just the speaking function. Your child should learn how to read, write and speak the second language. More importantly, your child should be immersed in learning about the culture and history of the chosen language. Finding books and blogs about the legends, history, and current events in those countries is a great start. It is fun to find a mommy blog of a certain country as often times, it details the lives of their children as well. It is a fun way for a child to learn about how children in a different part of the world live each day. 

2. Find an international pen pal for your child!  A great website for finding a pen pal is Amazing Kids. The Amazing Kids! PenPals Program is a literacy-based, traditional letter writing pen pal program, available to all children ages 5-17 worldwide. At a flat fee of just $10 per child, per pen pal, their program is a low-cost (and fun!) way to help your child practice their literacy skills, while making a new friend. Teachers or groups of 15 or more receive a 50% discount, at just $5 per child.

3. Talk about global current events at home. You can spark an interest in global events within your child by first being interested in it yourselves. As you talk about different global events within your family, you will soon find your children asking questions about those happenings. Try to be positive about such events and if you don't agree with something that's happening, try not to lash out in a derogatory manner. :) Teach your children to form personal opinion of such matters and always ask why they feel about a certain issue. If possible, try to teach them to see the issue in all forms before firming opinions.

4. Try different ethnic foods with your children. This teaches them to enjoy other cultures and not simply live in their bubble of PB + J's!

5. Engage your child in different subjects. Having a strong CQ is not just about being globally aware. Your child should learn to be well-rounded in the arts, technology, geography, and literature, to name a few. Bring your children to watch different plays, listen to different kinds of music, read books of various genres, go to the Opera, go to museums, and so forth.

Well, these few tips should be plentiful to get you started. If you have any more suggestions or ideas, feel free to drop a comment!!! :) 

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